Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I Am Now A Milk Factory !!!! Sonia Morales

Sonia Morales must be in a rush to get her shape back, barely 4 days of child birth she has already started posting pictures of herself, she shared her post baby pod on her social media page and she also wroteFor past 96 hours I have been tru labor,pain,hospital,sleepless nights,breastfeeding (I have turned into a milk factory)I have changed plenty diapers ..... Wait..... Sorry, WE did. Shout out to the best husband,dad,partner @ikogbonna You make everything way easier mannn...This are the most amazing & precious 4 days of my life so far. God is so good. But guess what, Im back boo boo, gotta keep it fly for my Igbo boys,making them proud brings another level of happiness n joy into my life. #4daysPostPartum #96hoursOfBeingAMom #StillHadToSnatchSomeSelfieTime #HusbandInOtherCornerStaringAtMyAss #ISeeYouBros

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