Thursday, April 02, 2015

I Dont Want My Uterus Removed !!!!!! Kim Kardashian

Well from the way it looks, Kim Kardashian has been given a choice to either have another kid after Baby North and get her Uterus removed or don't have another kid and kip her Uterus intact. This surely will be a very big choice for her to make, as she broke into tears when the message was revealed to her.
Immediately she got the message, she called Kanye and said to him;“When you have your baby, this will be your last one, because the problem is your placenta grew on your uterus, so when you have another baby, your placenta will go right to that hole and then we’ll have a team of doctors waiting right there, to remove your uterus and put you into emergency surgery right there because you can’t bleed too much,”

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