Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I Had An Experience Of Mylife!!!!! Ray J

Wow, wonders shall never end for what a man can do , a woman can do it far more better. Ray J paid dearly with his body for visiting a strippers club. Princess gave him the beating of his life and I believe that he must have learnt his lessons. TMZ reported that Princess Love attacked him around 3am last Wednesday morning in New Orleans after waiting for him to return to his hotel from a strip club.
Ray J said  told the cops that Princess went ballistic and attacked him, cracking several ribs, busting his lip open and tearing his ACL.  An eye witness told the cops they heard Princess scream, "I'm gonna kill you."

Ray J ran out of the hotel room bleeding and called 911. We're told Princess was arrested and booked for domestic abuse and battery but Ray J himself bailed her out and paid $10K for her lawyer.

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