Sunday, December 14, 2014

I Have Been Tempted So Many Times By Men I Like To Cheat On My Husband!!!!!! Omotola Jalade Ekeinde

Omotola Jalade Ekeinde who recently granted an interview in NewYork discussing about her married life, says for the past decade of being married to her husband “Capt. Matthew Ekeinde” she has learnt so many things and have been tempted lots of times to cheat on her husband. Asked if she had ever met men that she genuinely took a liking to, and was tempted to sacrifice her marital vows..“Absolutely. I have been tempted many times to cheat on my husband by men I really liked.
But when you think of what you stand to lose, the destruction of all you have labored to build, when you weigh all the options, you are left to conclude that it is not worth the trouble. I know some women will find this somewhat objectionable, but if they want to be truthful to themselves, they will agree with me that, as married women, we have all faced moments that I have just described.”
On receiving gifts from male admirers “Sure, I have received lots of goodies from my male admirers,” On if she has given anything back in return
 “Nothing”, I do not give anything in return. I always tell them that I am married and would not compromise my martial vows. If after making that point clear, they still continue to shower me with gifts, maybe believing that something will break in the future, then I cannot help them.”
Do you feel emotionally detached as a result of many years of marriage or, put differently, has your passion for your husband cooled with time?,
“Of course, it has”, she said matter-of-factly. “Which married woman who has been with her husband for years will, in her true state, tell you that the feeling has remained the same as it was the first time or the first year she met her husband? It is bound to cool off. What I recommend to women is what I call “temporary separation.” You will make yourself unavailable to your husband. Go somewhere – go on vacation with your friends, do something bold, lose weight, look different and, after weeks, come home, looking drop dead gorgeous, and I bet you, the fire of passion will be mightily rekindled and you  will feel brand new again. I have applied this principle in my marriage and it has worked wonders.”

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