Saturday, December 13, 2014

Breaking News From Rome

What most of us will a shocker is about happening again for the Roman Catholic Faithful’s. Pope Francis shocked the Catholic world yesterday when he announced his plans on stepping down from his position. Papal Resignation is extremely rare, and this will only be the 7th time in the history of the church. Pope Francis made his announcement from his balcony in Vatican City to thousand of shocked spectators. “I have come to the conclusion there is no God,” said Pope Francis, a man who has become known for his unorthodox views on the Catholic church. “I have dedicated my life to the church. Clearly, so many wasted years of unanswered prayers.
I can no longer in good faith head the church anymore, as whatever spirit that had filled my heart is gone.” A shocked crowd of onlookers became extremely quiet as the Pontiff continued, many of whom openly wept.
“I will stay on long enough for another Pope to be chosen, of course. I know many of you will be upset, but please be happy for me and my new life. I plan on spending my remaining years traveling, maybe finding a good woman and settling down. Hell, maybe even a good man. Who knows? It’s a new day, and I solemnly believe that everyone should choose to live their life the way they want. I wish you all the best and don’t let my decision stop you from believing in an imaginary God, if that’s what you want to do.”
”Pope Francis’ decision comes as no surprise to Vatican insiders, his hard-line stance on altar boy molestation, his generosity to the poor, and his blessing of gay marriage have made unpopular among priests of the church,” says Vatican reporter Francesco Rinaldi. “Some say the Pope was being blackmailed to step down by Church officials. Whatever the reason, most look forward to his departure so the Church can get back to business as usual – hating gays and bashing sinners.”

Could this really be true? We await an official statement from Basilica in Rome. We pray for God to continue to give Pope Francis the grace through this period of his

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