Friday, September 12, 2014

A Beyonce Fan wishes Obama who came visiting her family was Beyonce.. hmmm

President Barrack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and some volunteers went visiting at a public charter school in Washington, D.C. on Thursday to take part in the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance, but one student wasn't impressed.
The student, named Madison, was filling backpacks next to the president when she told him that when she'd heard somebody important was coming, she "really wanted it to be Beyoncé."
The president laughed it off, telling Madison that even his daughters - Marlia and Sasha - would feel the same way.
Probably realizing what she said, young Madison added, "but then I realized it was going to be you and that’s even better!”
Obama again laughed out loud saying, "Thank you for saying that but I wonder of that's really true."

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