Friday, December 04, 2015

My Infidelity Destroyed My Marriage With My Ex Wife !!!! Tiger Woods

I and My Ex wife are best of friends, if i ever have the chance to change anything in my relationship with her then, i would be faithful to her and always remain truthful to her. Tiger woods revealed to Time Magazine how much his infidelity tore his marriage apart and how much he regrets every of his actions then, He said;

    "I’ve taken the initiative with the kids, and told them up front, 'Guys, the reason why we’re not in the same house, why we don’t live under the same roof, Mommy and Daddy, is because Daddy made some mistakes.'”

    I just want them to understand before they get to internet age and they log on to something or have their friends tell them something… When they come of age, I’ll tell them the real story. "But meanwhile, it’s just, 'Hey, Daddy made some mistakes'. I’d rather have it come from me, and I can tell them absolutely everything

When asked what if he had the chance, what he would love to change about his relationship with this Ex Wife, He said;

     It would be having a more open, honest relationship with my ex-wife. Having the relationship that I have now with her is fantastic. She’s one of my best friends," he admitted.
    "We’re able to pick up the phone, and we talk to each other all the time. We both know that the most important things in our lives are our kids.”

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