Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Clash Of Words

Ewwwwoooo this is pot calling kettle black,Linda Linda I like it when you carry stories like this because this is the  original you,not all those news casting that you are doing lately. Yesterday Linda ikeji took to her blog asking why light skinned girls always have dark knuckles, what a question coming from her she used Dabota Lawson as a case study,babe you know the answer already because some of them I wish you are not guilty of this you toned up and you still have dark elbow,dark knee knuckles am wondering if you now do full bleaching what will happen? When next you wanna critize please be sure you and your household is free of the critics especially Laura Ikeji


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahha this nmaora self... Well your right this time.

Anonymous said...

Nmaora u go gurl. Keep it up.