Friday, August 28, 2015

I Need A Man To Treat Me Like A Woman !!! Caitlyn Jenner

Water don pass garri in the latest series of I Am Cait as she revealed her readiness to start dating me. She said she is in dare need of guy that will treat her like a real woman. According to People Magazine she said;It would be very attractive to me to have a guy treat me like a woman, “That you would be treated like a normal woman. Like any other woman in the street and not make it this trans-[gender] thing, "Just a normal relationship."
"A woman can make you a woman,It's a thing we women do. We look to men to give us self worth."Now that you're in the sisterhood, you have gone to such trouble to be a woman; don't be a stupid one. Be a smart one. Well she has said it, we look forward to seeing who the first man will be.

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