Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Why I Named My Son Ace !!!! Ik Ogbonna

Ik Ogbonna has been getting lots of mails on the reason why he named his new born baby Ace, he has decided to openly reveal to every of his fans on why he choose the name. He said;"I got a few emails asking me why I chose Ace for my sons name , While going through names I saw a name with all these and I said to my self instantly ... His name is Ace : A person who excels at a particular sport or other activity. synonyms: expert, master, genius, virtuoso, maestro, professional, adept, master, doyen, champion, star, winner..... excellent, very good, first-rate, first-class, marvellous, wonderful, magnificent, outstanding, superlative, formidable, virtuoso, masterly, expert, champion, fine, consummate, skilful, adept. All I can try to be is a good guide to him and I am sure that won't be a problem with God by my side and the best mother in the world for my kids @sonialareinaa . Amen"

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