Saturday, June 27, 2015

It Is Time To Open A New Chapter In My Life !!! Alex Okoroji

Nigerian Veteran Actress, Alex Okoroji who was once linked to Ghanaian actor Omar Captain revealed to Saturday beats that she is tired of living the life of a celibacy. Even though she refused revealing how long the marriage to the Ghanaian actor lasted, she admitted it was only for a short time and she has a baby boy. She said;
“I can’t really tell you how long I was married. Sometimes, you won’t realize that a relationship is over until it is actually over. It was shorter than 18 months technically,” When asked about the challenges being a mother, she said;
“You tend to be more self-sufficient. I’m playing double roles; being the dad and mum at the same time. It’s a little challenging but at the same time, it’s good. Sometimes, separation is not always a bad option.”
When asked if she would eventually reconcile with her ex, she said;
“No. I don’t think so. I think he has moved on and I’ve moved on as well. So, I’m not thinking towards that direction anymore. I think the most important thing is for us to remain parents to our child. I’m not interested in being a couple. I just want everybody to play their roles. That’s all. You can never stop being a parent, be it a father or a mother to your child, but you can stop being a wife or a husband.
When asked if she was in a relationship, she said;
“I’m married to my work. My focus at the moment is working on my purpose and building on my career. I was distracted for a long time. At such times, you get married, have a child and focus on your child, but when that is out, I have another focus. Right now, my focus is on my child and my career. Every other thing is by the way.”
When asked if she would want to go into a relationship again, she said;
“I’ve been separated for so long but a lot of people didn’t know until recently that it came out in the papers. So, I’m absolutely done with my break, but I’m not in a relationship. I’ve moved on since then. It’s possible to be on a break, and at the same time be focused on your work. You may not be in a serious relationship with someone but then, you are having a casual relationship with someone or you are seeing someone once in a while.
I’m very open to dating but I’m not in a relationship with anybody. Right now, my focus is on my work but that doesn’t mean that if somebody that I like or get along with comes, I won’t give attention. I’ll definitely be open to that. So, I’ve gone past my break,”

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