Monday, March 09, 2015

Throw Back Pictures Of Kim Kardashian Released

Nikki  Lund, a top Us fashion designer and very close friend to Kim Kardashian, shared childhood pictures of both of them. She must have really gone too far releasing these pictures, Nikki recalled Kim being a daddy’s girl who adored her father so much. She said;
"Rob was the one who would make sure she was working hard and that she was behaving herself. I don't think this whole thing would be happening to her right now if he was still alive.She never wanted to be famous, it just kind of happened. She was always the quiet girl sitting in the corner while we were all being loud.“Rob was a very successful man, he had a great sense of humour – so has Kim and I think that’s where she gets it from. We all loved Rob.“He guided Kim, he mentored her, he ushered her into womanhood.”“She worked hard at school, she didn’t get straight A’s but the teachers liked her. She’d never bunk off school.
“Kim was always on some sort of diet, we all were. She did the no-carbs thing and would ask for a burger with no bun.
“She was conscious of what she looked like, she didn’t have her bum then but the boys liked her. Kim got a lot of attention back then.”


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