Monday, March 02, 2015

Kim Kardashian Covers For AdWeek Magazine

Kim Kardashian took a new look as she covers for AdWeek Magazine titled ‘ the mobile issue’. She also talked about her family and how long she has been taking selfies.
About her family, she said;"I hope they get out of it that we are a normal family,' she said. 'They may not think we're normal, [but] we are a family like everyone else's that goes through so many different things and we're always there to support each other.
On long she has been taking selfies, she said;
For me, what's so funny is I love taking pictures and posting them on social media for memories. I genuinely love the glam of life and hair and makeup and all of that, so I love just sharing my life with people — that's who I've been. I live my life on a reality show. But sometimes people take it very seriously, or they think it's ridiculous. I'm kind of letting them know, yes, it is ridiculous, but it's all fun."

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