Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pot Calling Kettle Black

During the diss between Amber Rose and the Kardashian, Wiz Khalifa pitched his tent with the Kardashians even though Amber Won the contest. Just Hours later, The Kardashians may be planning on using Wiz Khalifa to get back at Amber Rose as Wiz is about seeking custody over their  son Sabastian. Wiz who admitted to having drug problems says Amber spends little or no time with their son and that she isn’t a good mother. TMZ reported that Wiz has a list of Amber’s short-coming , the list includes;Amber often stays out all night, requiring that relatives and staff take over The family
The dog eats its own feces and then licks Sebastian’s face
When she wakes up she’ll play with the kid for 15 minutes or so and then disappear
Amber and her mom have a volatile relationship, laced with “shouting matches and vulgar exchanges,” which upset the boy.
Well, Wiz I will advise you don’t go ahead with this case because the boy is better of where he is that coming to stay with you.

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