Sunday, February 15, 2015

Another Fashion Blunder

Haaa Tontolet, pokolee you don fall my hand finish. She is a very good Actress, I will always give her that credit, When it comes to Singing, hmmmm i wonder why Dbanj signed Poko, obviously is the fact she is popular and have fans around the world, if you tell me it is because she can sing, ( I WILL SLAP YOU). lwkm,,, don't mind me, she is a horrible singer. Then fashion, well , she kind of wears what fits her most times that i have seen her out to movie premieres and shows. But for this one that she posted.. Tonto did not kill it, she did not murder it, she kept it alive.
How can you wear a padded brazier on this dress? This is fashion disaster, please and please if you  must wear an extra boobs i think you need to be choosy on the kind of clothe. I leave the rest for fashionistas to tell me if i am wrong.

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