Saturday, January 17, 2015

Even In Death, I Still Miss Her So Much !!!! Teddy Don Momoh

Teddy Don Momoh is sure missing His Lovely Late Wife” Kefee” as every day passes by. In a recent chat with Saturday Beats, she expressed how much the memory of Kefee  lives on in his heart and that he is not thinking of getting married to another woman. “I can’t say if I will remarry because right now, I am still very much tied to Kefee; so I cannot speak on that now. I learnt from Kefee’s death that whatever you want to do in life should be done quickly. It is just one life and it is a short one. You do not own the next minute but this minute; so do all you can while you still breathe. Kefee lives on in me and in everybody.”
“I miss her so much, for example, waking up in the morning for breakfast and finding that I am all alone. Before her death, there would be a cup of juice waiting already. She was a wonderful cook and it was one of the qualities I loved about her. Suddenly I am doing everything alone and it is a sad feeling. I used to wake up with an angel by my side and that was very memorable. She is not there again.
“She has always done something on her birthday and we need to carry on with her legacy. Last year, we celebrated her birthday at an orphanage in California because we were in America at that time. This year, we are holding a memorial concert for her on her birthday because I am sure it is what she would want,"

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