Sunday, November 23, 2014

Jim Iyke's Love For Nadia.

Jim Iyke to me i think can make a very good poet. read this and see for yourself. Jim Iyke
and Nadia Buari  who refers to each other as Skittles and Space,must share more bond than
lots of people may know and find difficult to interpret. Jim Iyke who recently had an
interview where he talked about his undying love for his boo has this to say about her
She (Nadia) is a solid, down-to-earth woman. I’m a man that translates variables in ways
many people find incomprehensible. We have embraced who we are and learnt to create
our own world and expectations. We have ups and downs like every other couple.
We have
our strength and weakness as well. At the end of the day, rumours of break ups and make
ups ought to abound. It really doesn’t matter. A relationship is a continuous work. Those
that give up were perhaps not committed enough. Those that go in for the long haul suck up
and square up to the variables life throws at them. The people that judge harshly are
obviously the ones that live far from their desired lives. We just live the best way we know
how and leave the rest to the author and finisher of all things.’. Well, we will only continue 
to wish them both well and would advice Jim Iyke to take the bold step and jump out of the league of single men

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