Monday, November 17, 2014

Image Of Virgin Mary Grows On Tree In Iowa United States.

 Wonders that reporters bring to us, when i say repent, the kingdom of God is close, people like Kim K and Maheeda( that one has been silent for sometime) plus Princess Pemu and other wanna be's will be flaunting there naked selves to the world. check your backyard and see what maybe growing there. lwkm. According to KCC18 News, The mysterious image of what many are calling a perfect likeness to the Virgin Mary can be seen on the side of tree located at the intersection between 3rd Street and Bridge Road in Polk City, Iowa. Nov. 14th. they reported that the shape in the tree is about 6 feet tall. It has residents asking what it really means.
While many claim it is the likeness of the Virgin Mary, others say it looks like Jesus. Still others claim to see the image of Mother Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms. There are, of course, skeptics who claim the image on the tree is only an illusion. They claim people only see what they want to see.
Trust Oyibo and flowers, ones they see such thing happening.... gbaam, they will start placing flowers at the feet of the image. some of them even claimed it is divine intervention. They believe that the image is a message from God.
Scientists those ones that do not even believe God created the world(idiots) might claim the image is nothing more than a case of pareidolia. which means for those who are not charles Novia like me, typically means seeing human faces or human forms where none exists. 

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