Monday, September 22, 2014

Mrs Uche Nnanna Richard Back To her Groove.

Mrs Richard the newly wedded Nigerian white female ever lived in Nollywood seem to be finding her feet again on social media. we hope she keeps it up as we have been waiting all the while. Uche whom after her wedding in April left to join her hubby in Europe .. not long after she was gone her wonderful Daddy passed away and she returned back to Nigeria for his burial and have been seen around in Enugu, Asaba, Awka and even Lagos Island, Idumota.But recently she seem to have vanished again from the surface and returned back to her hubby. This lady is one person marriage surely and truly favored as all her beauty resurfaced after she wedded. We have really missed her on social media even thou she comes around ones in a while. and now she seem to be fully back. we here for you Uche Nnanna Richard and we hope your back for real. she posted this pic on her page today.

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