Saturday, September 13, 2014

Is Justin Bieber and Selen Gomez Trying to have a baby?

The couple, admitted they are dating again, and as well been having “reckless” sex. And if a baby comes along, due to all the alleged unprotected sex, marriage may follow“Despite the fact that neither Selena nor Justin seem even remotely ready to be a parent, the pair are knowingly risking that outcome every single time they get together,” the source added. “It’s a miracle they haven’t conceived three kids by now, because they don’t take any precautions.”“There were rumors that she miscarried a couple of years ago, but that doesn’t seem to have slowed them down,” the OK! source explained. “Instead, they think that not using protection proves how in love they are.

However, if a pregnancy does occur, Justin and Selena are reportedly prepared to tie the knot — they’d also be okay with it.
Wow. This is just shocking. While we certainly aren’t judging, it seems like Justin and Selena are moving fast.
“To be clear, the pair aren’t exactly trying to make a baby,” the magazine notes. “But, the insider explains, they also wouldn’t be particularly upset if one came along — and have even talked about marrying if it happens.”

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